Instructions - Healing Meditation, 19 Brain SYNC - Healing Meditation (Uzdrawiająca Medytacja)

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Nourish Mind, Body & Spirit
Guided by Kelly Howell: Music, Delta Waves & Guided Imagery
Science has proven beyond doubt that the contents of our thoughts and emotions directly and
immediately infl uence our biochemistry. Guided Imagery has been shown to accelerate the healing
process. On Track one you are guided into a regenerative state of purifi cation where cleansing
showers of vivid imagery dance before your mind’s eye. Negative thoughts are washed away as
you generate nourishing states of well being that nurture your sense of self. In this quantum state
of renewal, your body triggers its own powerful bio-chemicals to heal illness and cure disease.
Track two offers music and healing Delta waves only, providing an opportunity for you to practice
the healing visualizations at your own pace.
Clinically Proven Method
This program balances right and left hemispheres of the brain to produce the remarkable mental
state known as Hemispheric Synchronization. A special feature of Brain Sync technology is the
use of scientifi cally researched frequencies called Window Frequencies, which fi t through narrow
biological windows to impact the body at a cellular level. Listeners say they can actually feel their
meditation in the body as rushes of positive energy and fl ows of deep heartfelt emotions.
Instructions for Listening
Listen at a time when you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie comfortably with your spine straight.
This allows your natural channels of energy to open and flow freely. Close your eyes and breathe
slowly and deeply. For maximum long term benefits, listen daily for a period of six to eight weeks
– or after as needed.
To experience the brain optimizing effects of this program,
listen with headphones.
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