International Security Vol IV, Others, Studia

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//-->NATIONALCURITY.. --.-.VOCUMEIV-SAGEf. -INTERNATIONAL SECURITYSAGE LIBRARY O F INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSINTERNATIONALSECURITYVOLUME IVDebating Security and Strategy andthe Impactof9-11itedbBarry Buzan and Lene HansenOSAGE PublicationsLos AngelesLondon New Delhi SingaporeJZIntroduction and editorlal arrangementBarry Buzan and Lene Hansen2007First publ~shed2007Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research orprivate study, or criticism or review, as permitted under theCopyright, Designs and Patents Act,1988,this publicationmay be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or byany means, only with the prior permission In writing of thepublishers, o r in the case of reprographic reproduction, inaccordance w ~ t h terms of licences issued by the CopyrighttheLicensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outsidethose terms should be sent to the publishers.Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge all thecopyright owners of the material reprinted herem. However, ifany copyright owners have not been located and contacted atthe time of publication, the publishers will be pleased to makethe necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.SAGE Publications Ltd1 Oliver's Yard55City RoadLondon EClY 1SPSAGE Publications Inc.2455Teller RoadTho~~sandOaks. California91320SAGE Publications India Pvt I.tdB1111, Mohan Cooperative Industrial AreaMathura RoadNew Delhi 1LO044SAGEPublications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd33Pekin Street#02-01Far East SquareSingapore048763British Library Cataloguing in Publication dataAcatalogue record for this book is availablefrom the British LibraryISBN:978-1-4129-21 39-8(set of four volun~es)Library of Congress Control Number:2006938798Typeset by Telev~jayTechnologies (P) Limited, ChennaiPrinted on paper from sustainable resourcesPrinted and bound in Zrinski d.d Croatia [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
