Information 2007, Chorwacja

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We send you our best greet-
ings and we are looking
forward to your taking an
interest in our country.
People of all lands love their
own country, deeming it to
be the most beautiful. The
Croats call their country “Our
Beautiful Homeland”, words
taken from the irst line of the
Croatian national anthem.
The Republic of Croatia is
a European parliamentary
state and part of European
political and cultural history.
By size, it is classiied among
the middle-sized European
countries, such as Denmark,
Ireland, the Slovak Republic,
or Switzerland.
Croatia is a land of open
frontiers and clear-cut Cus-
toms formalities. It is also a
country of concord, and one
that is respectful towards
its guests. The Croats strive
to make “Our Beautiful
Homeland” equally beautiful
to all who visit it, ensuring
that they take with them the
inest souvenirs of their stay,
beautiful memories, when
they leave.
Geographical position:
Croatia extends from the furthest
eastern edges of the Alps in the
north-west to the Pannonian low-
lands and the banks of the Danube in
the east; its central region is covered
by the Dinara mountain range, and
its southern parts extend to the coast
of the Adriatic Sea.
the mainland covers 56,542
km², and the surface of territorial
waters is 31,067 km².
4,437,460 inhabitants; composi-
tion of population: the majority of
the population are Croats; national
minorities are Serbs, Slovenes, Hun-
garians, Bosnians, Italians, Czechs
and others.
System of government:
Multi-party parliamentary republic.
Zagreb (779,145 inhabitants), the
economic, trafic, cultural and aca-
demic centre of the country.
5,835 km of which 4,058 km com-
prise a coastline of islands, solitary
rocks and reefs.
Number of islands, solitary rocks
and reefs:
1,185; the largest islands are Cres
and Krk; there are 50 inhabited
Welcome to Croatia!
Highest peak:
Dinara: 1,831 m above sea level.
There are two climate zones; a tem-
perate continental climate, locally
also a mountainous climate, prevails
in the interior, whereas a pleasant
Mediterranean climate prevails
along the Adriatic coast, with an
overwhelming number of sunny
days, dry and hot summers, mild and
humid winters; average tempera-
ture in the hinterland: January: 0 to
2°C; August: 19 to 23°C; average
temperature at the seaside: January:
6 to 11°C; August: 21 to 27 °C; the
temperature is about 12°C in winter,
and 25°C in summer.
Travel documents:
A valid passport or some other identi-
ication document recognised by
international agreement; for certain
countries a personal identity card
is suficient (i.e. a document which
testiies to the identity and citizen-
ship of the bearer).
Information: Diplomatic missions
and consular ofices of the Republic
of Croatia abroad or the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and European Inte-
gration of the Republic of Croatia.
Tel: +385 1 4569 964; E-mail:;
kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa). Foreign
currency can be exchanged in banks,
exchange ofices, post ofices, travel
agencies, hotels, camps, marinas;
cheques can be cashed in banks.
Review of the visa system.
Customs regulations:
Customs regulations of the Republic
of Croatia are harmonised with the
standards of E.U. member states,
but the value of objects of non-com-
mercial character for personal use al-
lowed to be brought into the country
without tax duty or PDV (VAT) is
limited to 300 HRK.
The permitted amount of meat and
milk products which can be brought
in without special veterinary inspec-
tion, as well as honey, is limited to
1 kg, while the amount of wine is
limited to 5 liters.
Foreign currency may be freely
taken in and out of the country; local
currency up to an amount of 15, 000
kuna, but any amount brought in our
taken out of the country (whether for-
eign currency or kuna) in an amount
Credit cards:
Hotels accept all major credit cards
(Eurocard/Mastercard, American
Express, Diners, Visa).
Most restaurants, shops and marinas
accept Eurocard/Mastercard, Ameri-
can Express, Diners, and Visa.
Accessing cash from ATMs is pos-
sible in almost all towns, cities and
tourist centres; almost all ATMs
accept Eurocard/Mastercard, Diners,
American Express, and Visa.
exceeding a value of 40,000 HRK,
must be declared to the customs
More valuable professional and tech-
nical equipment must be declared
at the border. A non-resident can
freely bring in and take out cheques
in HRK.
Refund of tax when leaving the
country is made to foreign nationals
for individual goods purchased in
Croatia for amounts in excess of 500
Kuna, on presentation of a “Tax-
cheque” form. This form is provided
on request by a sales assistant, when
items are purchased.
Information: Customs Administration,
Republic of Croatia. Tel: +385 1 6102
Veterinary services:
There is a network of veterinary clin-
ics and centres in Croatia.
Information: E-mail:
Pets (dogs, cats and animals of the
marten family) which are either trav-
elling through the Republic of Croa-
tia in the company of their owners,
or which are staying in the country
on a temporary basis, must, prior to
entering the country, be itted with a
microchip or be clearly and legibly
tattooed with a number prior to being
entered in the international certiicate
issued in accordance with legislation
valid in the Republic of Croatia.
After the irst vaccination against
rabies carried out at the age of three
months, animals must be vaccinated
at least six months and no more
than one year prior to undertak-
ing the journey, and in the case of
subsequent vaccinations (boosters)
the period between vaccination and
the journey undertaken shall not be
greater than one year.
No import into, or temporary
residence in, the Republic of Croatia
shall be permitted in the case of pos-
sibly dangerous dogs of the terrier
breed, which have not been entered
in the register of the International
Kennel Club (FCI) (pit bull terriers)
or their cross-breeds.
Health services
There are hospitals and clinics located
in all the larger towns and cities, while
smaller centres have dispensaries and
Foreign visitors are not obliged to pay
for medical services if a convention
on Social Security has been signed
between Croatia and visitors’ country
of origin. Health care (including
transport) is used for emergency
cases in the manner and according to
regulations valid for Croatian citizens
covered by Social Security. Persons
coming from countries with which no
such convention has been signed bear
the costs of health services rendered
For patients in a life-threatening
situation, emergency air transport (he-
licopter) and sea transport is available
Public holidays
1 January - New Year’s Day;
6 January – Epiphany;
Easter Sunday & Easter Monday;
1 May - Labour Day;
Corpus Christi;
22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day;
25 June - Statehood Day;
Power supply
220 V, 50 Hz
Our UK guests should note that
power outlets in Croatia are the
Continental two-pin type and that a
socket adapter is therefore required.
5 August - Victory Day and National
Thanksgiving Day;
15 August - Assumption Day;
8 October - Independence Day;
1 November - All Saints’ Day;
25-26 December - Christmas
Tap water is potable in all parts of
Environmental protection:
Protection of biodiversity complies
with valid E.U. regulations. As re-
gards bathing, the sea at the Croatian
Adriatic is of high quality, again
according to E.U. criteria.
In case of pollution on land or at sea,
please advise the Centre 112 at Tel.
112, or e-mail address dc112@duzs.
hr, which is included in the network
of international organizations of the
same level.
For additional information regard-
ing the environment please contact
the Ministry of Environmental
Protection, Physical Planning and
Construction, Administration for the
Protection of the Environment, Tel:
+385 1/3782-111, e-mail address:
Shops and public services working
Most shops are open from 8 a.m.
until 8 p.m. on weekdays and until 2
or 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Some shops
work a split-shift system: from 8
a.m. to 12 p.m., and again from 4
p.m. to 8 p.m. Many shops stay open
until 10 p.m., even on Sundays,
especially in summer, while certain
shops in the larger cities are open for
business 24 hours a day.
Public services and business ofices
work from 8 a.m. until
4 p.m., Mondays to Fridays.
Post and telecommunications
Post ofices are open from 7 a.m. to
7 p.m. on weekdays, in smaller cen-
tres from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m.; some
ofices work a split shift. In most
towns and tourist centres, on-duty
post ofices are open on Saturdays
and Sundays until 9 p.m.
Postage stamps may also be pur-
chased from newspaper and tobacco
Phone cards are used in all public
telephones and may be purchased
from post ofices and from newspa-
per and tobacco kiosks. International
calls may be made directly from
public telephones.
Fire prevention
Check that you have undertaken all
the necessary measures to prevent
Do not throw burning objects or
inlammable objects into the environ-
If you notice a ire, please alert other
persons in your surroundings; imme-
diately inform the ire service on tele-
phone number 93
or 112; attempt
to extinguish
the ire before
the arrival of the
ire brigade, but
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