International Economics(1), Handel międzynarodowy

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International Economics,
Sixth Edition
The latest edition of
International Economics
improves and builds upon the popular
features of previous editions. The graphs, tables and statistics are of course all updated, but
also added are improved sections on topics including:
• new developments in international trade agreements and the latest round of
international trade talks
• international financial crisis
• a new section on current controversies in the international monetary system
With impressive pedagogy, learning objectives and summaries, this impressive clearly written
book will be another winner with students of international economics and international
Robert M. Dunn, Jr
is Professor of Economics at the George Washington University,
John H. Mutti
is Sydney Meyer Professor of International Economics, Grinnell College,
Iowa, USA.
International Economics
Sixth edition
Robert M. Dunn, Jr.
George Washington University
John H. Mutti
Grinnell College
First published 2004
by Routledge
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Routledge
29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2004.
© 2004 Robert M. Dunn & John H. Mutti
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced
or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means,
now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording,
or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publishers.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
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ISBN 0-203-46204-1 Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-33961-4 (Adobe eReader Format)
ISBN 0–415–31153–5 (hbk)
ISBN 0–415–31154–3 (pbk)
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