Infuence of the Church - zasady, gry planszowe

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Carcassonne – Influence of the Church
Carcassonne Central
expansion by JPutt927
As Carcassonne mourns the loss of a Saint, influence of the the church is at
an all time high. Cathedral numbers increase and Priory teachings
commence; Competition mounts as monks across the land vie for position
within the basilica, in hopes of becoming the holiest of them all...

Cloister counter board

25 cross influence tokens

4 cloister tiles

2 Saints’ tombs tiles

6 priory tiles

1 large basilica city tile

1 basilica draw tile

6 besieged cloister tiles

6 cathedral upgrade tiles
(1 in each player’s colour)

6 coloured cross tokens
(1 in each player’s colour)
At the beginning of the game, shuffle the basilica draw tile, 4 cloister tiles, and 2 Saints’ tombs tiles with the rest of the tiles.
The cloister counter board should be set up near the playing area. All players should place a cross token of their
corresponding colour next to the board. All other tiles and tokens should be set aside until needed (see below).
Counting Cloisters
Throughout the game, players must keep track of how many cloisters they have earned points for. Players should keep a
running tally of their scored cloisters by moving the corresponding coloured cross along the numbered cloister counter board.
As players score points for more cloisters, they will be rewarded. As can be seen on the cloister counter board pictured above,
players receive cloister tiles upon scoring their first cloister. Upon scoring their second cloister, a player will receive a
Cathedral tile corresponding to that player’s colour. After scoring three cloisters throughout the game, a player will receive a
Priory tile. The effects of all of these tiles are described in detail below. Finally, upon scoring a fourth cloister (and any
cloister thereafter), the player may choose to place a follower into the Basilica (more details below).
In the example of the cloister counter board pictured above, the red player has scored points for three cloisters, while the green player has scored points
for five cloisters. Therefore, the red player has already been rewarded with a besieged cloister, a Cathedral, and a Priory tile. The green player has
also been rewarded with a besieged cloister, a Cathedral, and a Priory tile. Furthermore, the green player has had the opportunity to place up to two
followers within the Basilica.
Carcassonne – Influence of the Church
1. Place a tile
All Saint’s tomb and cloister tiles are to be placed in accordance with the normal rules.
Upon drawing the basilica draw tile, that tile will be removed from the game and that player will place the large (2x2) basilica
city tile in accordance to the normal rules. Only one tile already in play needs to border the larger tile upon placement.
Although the tile is placed as 1 large tile, the basilica city should be considered as if it were 4 normal sized tiles. In the event
that the baslica city tile is unable to be legally placed into the playing area, the basilica draw tile should be reshuffled with the
rest of the tiles until it is drawn again.
Additional special rules for the basilica and all other new tiles are found below.
Cloister Influence tokens
When playing this expansion, all occupied cloisters produce an influence on all surrounding completed cities. When a tile is
placed (by any player) so that it completes a city touching any of the 8 tiles surrounding an occupied cloister, that completed
city must receive a cross token to indicate it has been influenced by the nearby occupied cloister. Also, if a tile containing a
cloister is placed, and claimed, any of the surrounding 8 tiles containing part of a completed city must have an influence
token added to that city. A cloister only creates an influence on a surrounding finished city if that cloister is
In this example, the yellow player has claimed a cloister. It is the blue player’s turn and they have drawn the tile shown
(tile 1). If the blue player places the tile on spot A, B, or C, it will complete a city that touches one of the cloisters’
surrounding 8 tiles. Therefore, that city that becomes completed must immediately receive an influence token.
In this example, the yellow player places the tile containing a cloister in the space shown. The yellow player chooses to
claim the cloister with one of their yellow followers. Upon placing the tile and occupying the cloister, the three completed
cities surrounding the cloister (cities A, B, and C) must all receive an influence token.
There may only ever be
cloister influence token present in a city. If a cloister is placed next to a city already containing
an influence token, an additional token should
be added to the city. Upon scoring a finished cloister, the player who has
claimed the cloister receives +2 bonus points for each influence token in the surrounding cities, in addition to the standard
nine points for surrounding a cloister. In the event that a placed tile both completes a surrounding city
completes a cloister,
an influence token should be added to the completed city
scoring the cloister.
The yellow player places tile A and completes both the cloister and a surrounding city. Before the cloister is scored, an
influence token must be added to the recently completed city. The yellow player may now earn points for the completed
cloister. They will earn 9 points (per the normal rules), and they will earn 6 bonus points for the 3 influence tokens
that surround the cloister, thus earning a total of 15 points. Yellow must now remove their follower. The influence
tokens must remain in place.
2. Deploy a follower
When a cloister tile is drawn, a player may deploy a follower to any feature on the tile, as per the normal Carcassonne rules.
All other tiles contain special rules, and are described below.
Carcassonne – Influence of the Church
Saints’ Tombs
When a tile containing a Saint’s tomb is drawn and placed as normal,
incomplete features that are part of the tomb’s tile
itself, or the 8 tiles surrounding the tomb, must be vacated (including farms).
Any and all
followers placed on those
incomplete features
be moved to the tomb’s tile. In the event that the placement of the tomb’s tile completes a feature
containing a follower, that follower must move to the tomb (instead of receiving points for the completed feature). The player
responsible for placing the tomb may choose to deploy a follower onto the tomb itself (even if this results in multiple followers
of their own on the tomb). They may
place a follower on any other feature. After all the surrounding unfinished features
have been vacated, that players turn is now over.
In this example, the placement of the tomb tile caused three followers to immediately be moved to the
tomb’s tile. The red follower is moved from an incomplete road, while the green follower moves from an
unfinished cloister. Even though the yellow follower is not within the 8 tile range of the tomb, the
unfinished city it belongs to
. Therefore, the yellow follower moves to the tomb’s tile as well. Once
again, the player placing the Saint’s tomb tile may choose to place a follower on the tomb as well. In this
example, they chose not to.
The Saint’s tomb tile will remain unfinished until it is completely surrounded by all 8 tiles (similar to a cloister). As long as a
tomb remains unfinished, all followers on the tomb must remain in place. Furthermore, if a player adds a tile to any of the
incomplete features surrounding the tomb, they may
deploy a follower into that feature. However, they may instead
deploy a follower to the tomb if they choose. Players are free to complete any of the surrounding features, but are unable to
score any points for those completed features (as they are to be placed on the tomb instead).
The tomb tile remains unfinished, and therefore all followers remain in place. On the blue player’s turn,
he places tile A, and completes a surrounding feature (the city). Although he is unable to earn points
from the city, the blue player chooses to place a follower on the tomb. On the red players turn, he places
tile B, and adds to the city that surrounds the tomb. He is unable to place a follower into the city.
Instead, he may choose to place a second follower on the tomb, but chooses not to.
Followers must remain on the tomb until it is completely surrounded by tiles. At this point, all players,
starting with the
player who placed the final surrounding tile
, must take
of their own followers from the tomb, and place it back
into their supply or place it on
unfinished, unclaimed feature
that touches
one of 8 surrounding tiles of the tomb
(including farms). After the first player has moved one of their followers back into their supply, or to an unfinished feature, the
player to their immediate left must now make the same decision. This will continue clockwise around the table until all
followers have been removed from the tomb. Only players with followers on the tomb may participate in the redeployment of
followers to a new feature. If a player has more than one follower on the tomb, they must wait for all other players (in
clockwise order) to remove one of their followers from the tomb before they decide what to do with their own remaining
followers. Once all followers have been removed, the tomb is finished and all surrounding features will be treated as usual.
In this example, the tomb is completely surrounded by tiles. The red player places tile A, surrounds the
tomb, and therefore gets the first option of returning his follower to his supply or redeploying it to an
unfinished, surrounding feature. Red moves his follower to the large surrounding city. Because the yellow
player is sitting to the left of the red player, he decides next, and places his follower on the road. Blue
proceeds to claim the incomplete cloister, while green finishes by claiming a different road. Players must
now finish these features as normal in order to score any points for them.
Carcassonne – Influence of the Church
Besieged Cloisters
As mentioned above, players earn besieged cloister tiles after they have scored points for their first cloister. Depending on the
number of players in the game, players will earn the number of besieged cloister tokens shown below:
2-3 players:
2 tiles each
4-6 players:
1 tile each
Cathedral Upgrades
After scoring points for their first cloister (and only their first cloister), players must take the appropriate number of besieged
cloister tokens into their possession. Players may choose when (if ever) to place the besieged cloister tiles on an already
existing cloister. In order to play a besieged cloister, a player must decide to do so
drawing a tile on their turn.
Placing a besieged cloister takes the place of drawing and placing a tile for that turn.
Once entering the game, Barbarians have a huge impact on the features around them. All Barbarian pawns contain a value
of 2. If a Barbarian is standing anywhere on a tile that contains a player’s incomplete feature, the Barbarian is considered to
have a claim in that feature. If a feature is completed while a Barbarian is present in that feature, players will only earn points
for that feature if the value of their own followers is greater than or equal to the value of the Barbarians within. A Barbarian
will only have control over a cloister if they are standing on the tile containing the cloister.
Placing a besieged cloister will cause two effects. First, once a cloister has been besieged, all influence tokens from
surrounding completed cities will garner no bonus points for that besieged cloister. The cloister itself will still influence
surrounding cities, but the player will earn zero points for those influences. Secondly, a besieged cloister that is unfinished at
the end of the game will earn a player zero points.
The Priory
Players may choose to place a besieged cloister on either an occupied or unoccupied cloister. By placing a besieged cloister on
an occupied cloister, the player who has claimed that cloister will remain in place but will
earn anything beyond the
standard 9 points for completely surrounding it. In other words, as mentioned above, a besieged cloister earns a player no
bonus points, and will only earn points if completed. By placing a besieged cloister tile on an unoccupied cloister, the same
rules will apply. However, upon placement of a besieged cloister on any unoccupied, unfinished cloister, a player may place
one of their own followers on that cloister. Any points scored from a besieged cloister
count when tracking scored cloisters
on the cloister tracker board.
Once the City of Carcassonne has come under attack and the Barbarians enter the game, players have the option of
defending themselves in an effort to eliminate the Barbarians. Players may choose to work together to defend against the
Barbarians, or may choose to work alone.
Building the Fortress
In this example, The green player decides to place a besieged cloister tile
of drawing
and placing an ordinary tile. He places the besieged cloister on the blue player’s cloister. The +2
bonus from influence token placed in the surrounding city is negated when scoring the cloister.
Furthermore, the blue player will score no points for the cloister upon the game’s end if it remains
In order to build a defence against the Barbarians, players must start by building
the fortress. The fortress may only be built once the Barbarians have attacked the
City of Carcassonne. The fortress can be built at ANY time, during ANY players
turn. However, the fortress requires a number of points in order to be built.
Depending on the number of players, the cost to build the fortress will vary. The
costs are listed below (as well as on the Barbarian reference card).
Very importantly, the artisitic design of the original cloister does
matter when placing a besieged cloister token. In other
words, the styles of the cloisters do not need to match. Furthermore, any surrounding features on the cloister’s tile are
unaffected by the besieged cloister’s placement. For example, a road that touches the original cloister remains touching the
respective besieged cloister (even though the besieged cloister tile may cover a portion of the road).
2 players:
15 points
3 players:
20 points
4 players:
25 points
5 players:
30 points
6 players:
35 points
Cathedral Upgrades
After scoring points for their second cloister, players earn a cathedral tile. The cathedral’s roof colour will correspond to that
of the players’ followers. Upon completely surrounding a cloister with tiles, instead of immediately scoring points, a player
may choose to upgrade the cloister and place the cathedral tile over it. Since the cloister has not been scored, it will
count as a scored cloister on the cloister counter board. The follower must remain in place, and must now claim the
upgraded cathedral tile. Cathedral upgrade tiles work in the same way that a cloister works. However, in order to complete a
cathedral, a player must completely surround the Cathedral with 24 tiles in two concentric squares. Because a surrounded
cloister is needed to place a cathedral tile, players must surround that ring with the remaining 16 tiles. A player may
upgrade a besieged cloister into a Cathedral.
A cloister upgraded into a cathedral will act as if it were still the original cloister when placing cloister influence tokens.
However, the additional second ring of 16 tiles must now be taken into consideration when determining whether to place an
influence token or not. In other words, the reach of the cathedral’s influence is greater than that of a standard cloister.
Players who completely surround a cathedral upgrade tile with all 24 tiles will score 30 points, plus 2 points per influence
token within a finished city that touches any of the features’ 25 tiles. If a player completes a cathedral, it must be counted as
a scored cloister on the cloister counter board.
Carcassonne – Influence of the Church
The yellow player previously placed their cathedral upgrade tile on a completely surrounded cloister of their
own. In the example on the left, the cathedral has become completely surrounded by all 24 tiles. Therefore,
the yellow player will score 30 points for doing so, and will score an additional 4 points for the influence
tokens lying within cities touching those 24 tiles. The yellow player receives 34 points in total for their
completed cathedral. They must remove their follower and place them back into their supply.
If playing with the
Inns & Cathedrals
expansion, all rules mentioned above apply, with the addition of the following. Any
cathedral upgrade tile that is added to a cloister contained within a city will also be treated as if it were one of the two
ordinary sized cathedral tiles from the
Inns & Cathedrals
expansion. In other words, a city containing a cloister that has been
upgraded to a cathedral is worth 3 points per city tile upon completion, or 0 points if it remains unfinished.
The green player upgrades a cloister into a cathedral, and the city containing that cloister is now worth 3
points per tile upon completion, as per normal
Inns & Cathedrals
The Priory
Upon scoring points for the third cloister, a player must take a priory tile into their possession. Instead of drawing and
placing a land tile, a player may instead choose to place his or her priory tile. Unlike an abbey, the priory may be placed in
any location, assuming it touches at least one other tile. It is
necessary to place the priory in a “hole” surrounded by tiles
on it’s four sides. When a player places a priory, all monks deployed to a cloister lying within the 8 surrounding tiles of the
be immediately removed from their respective cloister and placed on the priory. In the event that the placement
of the priory completes an adjacent cloister, that follower must be moved to the priory
scoring and earns 0 points for
that cloister. Players may not return their monk to their supply until the priory is completely surrounded on all 8 sides. Upon
surrounding the priory, the follower must return to its owner’s supply, and may
be placed back on the cloister from which
it came. No points are scored for completing the priory.
The priory is not considered to be part of the adjacent tiles; the adjacent tiles end at the walls of the priory.
The priory is placed so that it lies within the 8 surrounding tiles of two cloisters. The
red and blue followers claiming the cloisters are moved to the priory. The red player
eventually surrounds the priory and both the blue and red followers are returned to
their respective owners. Neither player scores any points.
The Basilica
As described above, the basilica city will be placed after the basilica placement tile is drawn. Upon placement, if the city
containing the basilica attaches to any other city segment already containing a follower, that follower must immediately be
removed from that city and returned to it’s respective owner’s supply. That follower will earn no points for the city. Once the
basilica has been placed, players may continue adding to the size of the basilica city, per normal tile placement rules.
However, when adding a city tile to the basilica city, players are
allowed to add a follower to the city, even if the city is
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