Introduction to Wine Laboratory Practices and Procedures - J. Jacobson (Springer, Wino i piwo

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Introduction to Wine Laboratory
Practices and Procedures
 Jean L. Jacobson
Introduction to
Wine Laboratory Practices
and Procedures
With 50 Figures, Including 2 Color Plates
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005928372
ISBN-10: 0-387-24377-1
e-ISBN 0-387-25120-0
Printed on acid-free paper.
ISBN-13: 978-0387-24377-1
Business Media, Inc.
All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the
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© 2006 Springer Science
 To my sons, Christopher and Matthew, with profound love.
To my twin sister, Joyce, my guardian angel and soul mate.
To Kaarlo, for believing in me.
To sisters Julie and Jeralyn, for their unconditional love.
To Daddy, my hero.
To Mother, who never gave up.
To all of you who knew I could.
In the beginning, for me, winemaking was a romanticized notion of putting
grape juice into a barrel and allowing time to perform its magic as you sat
on the veranda watching the sunset on a Tuscan landscape. For some small
wineries, this notion might still ring true, but for the majority of wineries
commercially producing quality wines, the reality of winemaking is far
more complex.
The persistent evolution of the wine industry demands continual advance-
ments in technology and education to sustain and promote quality winemak-
ing. The sciences of viticulture, enology, and wine chemistry are becoming
more intricate and sophisticated each year. Wine laboratories have become an
integral part of the winemaking process, necessitating a knowledgeable staff
possessing a multitude of skills. Science incorporates the tools that new-age
winemakers are utilizing to produce some of the best wines ever made in this
multibillion dollar trade.
A novice to enology and wine chemistry can find these subjects daunting
and intimidating. Whether you are a home winemaker, a new winemaker, an
enology student, or a beginning-to-intermediate laboratory technician, put-
ting all the pieces together can take time. As a winemaker friend once told me,
“winemaking is a moving target.”
Introduction to Wine Laboratory Practices and Procedures
was written for
the multitude of people entering the wine industry and those that wish to
learn about wine chemistry and enology. It is a guide to understanding basic
enology, wine chemistry, safety, quality control, wine history, winemaking
processes, bottling, and analytical procedures. Areas of study are applicable
to the majority of wine laboratories in the world. The reader will gain a firm
basic working knowledge of the wine laboratory and enology upon which to
build a greater understanding of more advanced theory and technical infor-
Make wine with honor.
Healdsburg, California
Jean L. Jacobson
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