Interactive Dynamic-System Simulation, Engineering Mechanics (Static, Kinematic & Dynamics)

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Second Edition
Numerical Insights
Series Editor
A. Sydow, GMD-FIRST, Berlin, Germany
Editorial Board
P. Borne, École de Lille, France; G. Carmichael, University of Iowa, USA;
A. Iserles, University of Cambridge, UK; A. Jakeman, Australian National University,
Australia; G. Korn, Industrial Consultants (Wenatchee, WA), USA; G.P. Rao, Indian
Institute of Technology, India; J.R. Rice, Purdue University, USA; A.A. Samarskii, Russian
Academy of Science, Russia; Y. Takahara, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
The Numerical Insights series aims to show how numerical simulations provide valuable insights into the
mechanisms and processes involved in a wide range of disciplines. Such simulations provide a way of
assessing theories by comparing simulations with observations. These models are also powerful tools which
serve to indicate where both theory and experiment can be improved.
In most cases the books will be accompanied by software on disk demonstrating working examples of
the simulations described in the text.
The editors will welcome proposals using modelling, simulation and systems analysis techniques in the
following disciplines: physical sciences; engineering; environment; ecology; biosciences; economics.
Volume 1
Numerical Insights into Dynamic Systems: Interactive Dynamic System Simulation with
Windows™ and NT™
Granino A. Korn
Volume 2
Modelling, Simulation and Control of Non-Linear Dynamical Systems: An Intelligent Approach
using Soft Computing and Fractal Theory
Patricia Melin and Oscar Castillo
Volume 3
Principles of Mathematical Modeling: Ideas, Methods, Examples
A.A. Samarskii and A. P. Mikhailov
Volume 4
Practical Fourier Analysis for Multigrid Methods
Roman Wienands and Wolfgang Joppich
Volume 5
Effective Computational Methods for Wave Propagation
Nikolaos A. Kampanis, Vassilios A. Dougalis, and John A. Ekaterinaris
Volume 6
Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: Modern Concepts and Practical Applications
Michael Affenzeller, Stephan Winkler, Stefan Wagner, and Andreas Beham
Volume 7
Interactive Dynamic-System Simulation, Second Edition
Granino A. Korn
Second Edition
Granino A. Korn
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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International Standard Book Number: 978-1-4398-3641-5 (Hardback)
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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data
Korn, Granino A. (Granino Arthur), 1922-
Interactive dynamic-system simulation / author, Granino A. Korn. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm. -- (Numerical insights ; 7)
“A CRC title.”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4398-3641-5 (alk. paper)
1. Computer simulation. 2. Dynamics. 3. Microcomputers. 4. Interactive computer
systems. I. Title. II. Series.
QA76.9.C65K68 2011
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