Instrukcja obslugi FERRARI 360 Modena 2003 US ENG up by dunaj2, Instrukcja obsługi samochodu

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//-->Uso e ManutenzioneOwner’s ManualNotice D’entretienManual de Uso y MantenimientoU.S. Version Model Year 2003Il Progetto diDesign FerrariUno Stile IneditoQuesta vettura, oltre ai contenuti tec-nologici sempre più all’avanguardia,segna il passo nell’evoluzione stilisticalegata alla produzione 8 cilindriFERRARI.The FerrariDesign ProjectA Brand-new StyleBesides being on the cutting edge ofnew technologies, this car makes amark in the evolution of the designwhich characterises the productionof FERRARI8-cylinder cars.Le Projet deDesign FerrariUn Style InéditCette voiture est non seulement unmodèle de technologies des plus avan-cées, mais aussi une étape dans l’évo-lution d’un style lié à la productiondes 8 cylindres FERRARI.El Proyecto deDiseño FerrariUn Estilo InéditoEste automóvil, repleto de la tecno-logía más vanguardista, marca unpaso más en la evolución estilísticade la producción de 8 cilindrosFERRARI.The NHTSA’s Toll-freeAuto Safety HotlineIf you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash orcould cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the NationalHighway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifyingFerrari S.p.A.If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and ifit finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recalland remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in indi-vidual problems between you, your dealer, or Ferrari S.p.A.To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at1-800-424-9393 (or 1-703-366-0123 in Washington, D.C. area) or write to:NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. Youcan also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from callingthe Hotline.Benzina con AlcoolFerrari usa nei suoi impianti di ali-mentazione i migliori componenti emateriali disponibili ma non ha ese-guito test specifici per l'uso di benzi-ne con alcool. Di conseguenza sug-geriamo ai nostri Clienti di non usa-re benzina con alcool sui loro veico-li.Alcohol FuelFor its fuel injection systems, Ferrariuses the best components and mate-rials available in the field. However,no specific tests have been carriedout to assure the reliability of thesystem when using fuel containingalcohol. Consequently, we suggestthat our customers do not use fuelcontaining alcohol on Ferrari vehi-cles.Essence-alcoolPour ses circuits d’alimentation, Fer-rari utilise les meilleurs composantset matériels disponibles, mais elle n’apas exécuté d’essais spécifiques pourl’emploi d’essence-alcool. En consé-quence, nous conseillons à nos clientsde ne pas utiliser d’essence-alcool surleurs véhicules.Gasolina con AlcoholFerrari usa en sus instalaciones dealimentación los mejores componen-tes y materiales disponibles pero noha realizado test específicos para eluso de gasolinas con alcohol. Comoconsecuencia sugerimos a nuestrosClientes que no usen gasolina conalcohol en sus vehículos.4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
