Integrex3-V12, Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, CAD - CAM, Postprocesory CNC (xbob3kx)

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*********************************** EdgeCAM Code Wizard Templates* File adaptive-integrex.cgs** Template source file for adaptive lathe template** Placed under change control* Richard Halton************************************ 23/12/03 RHA DEV00009701 Change version and date. Set up v8.5 templates* 18/02/04 RHA DEV00010264 Set version 8.50.14* 31/08/05 RHA DEV00014428 Add KT Defaults* Version 10.5* 16/08/05 RHA DEV00015397 Add Whiteboard include file************************************* EdgeCAM Code Wizard Templates* File Turn-Initialise.cgi************************************ Created from old templates 10 June 2003* Placed under change control* Richard Halton** File contains Variable Declarations, Token Definitions and Format Table* references for turn templates.** General fixes also implemented here* 05/08/03 RHA DEV00008306 Separate vars for rapid and feed polar/cartesian mode* 07/08/03 RHA DEV00007890 Make R word calculation in cycles switchable* 12/08/03 RHA DEV00007046 Function Off tokens in Rapid to TC and Home* 12/08/03 RHA DEV00008119 Add FLUTE length to set up data* 20/08/03 RHA DEV00008484 Correct multi-start threads* 26/08/03 RHA DEV00008539 Add warnings counter*Change Control* 14/11/03 RHA DEV00009364 Correct coolant settings* 20/11/03 RHA DEV00009231 Combined spindle and coolant codes added* 28/11/03 RHA DEV00009456 AVN Feedback - Tool Change options* 01/12/03 RHA DEV00009047 Complete spindle synch* 05/12/03 RHA DEV00007048 Add Rigid Tapping Option* 15/12/03 RHA DEV00009616 Remove all Q67 series uservars, Turret side now uses USERVAR4* 15/12/03 RHA DEV00009612 Add new date tokens* 16/12/03 RHA DEV00009384 Pull Out token for threading* 15/01/04 RHA DEV00008184 Give GEARMCODE its own format address* 15/01/04 RHA DEV00009858 New token for Fanuc Polar output* 19/01/04 RHA DEV00008669 Use MAXRPM sys var in MAXRPM token* 21/01/04 RHA DEV00009848 Make Convert No-Convert modal* 26/01/04 RHA DEV00009967 Polar setting for Radila/Diametral #POLARDIAM* 26/01/04 RHA DEV00009953 Token for second leg return to ToolChange* 27/01/04 RHA DEV00009963 Add [ ] Tokens* 30/01/04 RHA DEV00008184 Make token call to C Axis codeconstructor modal* 02/02/04 RHA DEV00010088 add diametral switches for axial/radial machining* 03/02/04 RHA DEV00002228 Work round calculation problem in token definitions* 05/02/04 RHA DEV00009977 Tokens for user defined toolstore variables* 06/02/04 RHA DEV00010176 Re-assign CY_SPINDIR to MCODE address* 10/02/04 RHA DEV00010088 Correct #DIAM switching* 12/02/04 RHA DEV00004642 Token COOLTHRTLOFF* 13/02/04 RHA DEV00010219 Separate Z reverse switch for sub spindle driven tools* 08/03/04 RHA DEV00010387 Set gear for maxrpm* 11/03/04 RHA DEV00010521 CSS speed check optional* 22/03/04 RHA DEV00010537 Correct retract G codes* Version 900* 07/05/04 RHA DEV00010784 Next tool tokens have own format addresses* Add Retract Ejector Token* Add more spindle select variants,driven tool* Procedure for driven tool codes to allow for subspindle* 07/05/04 RHA DEV00010872 Token for Push Check Code Constructor* 10/05/04 RHA DEV00010872 Add separate control for polar in hole cycles* 13/05/04 RHA DEV00010924 Tool Change corrections, alternative code constructors etc* 21/05/04 RHA DEV00010783 Add #MACHINEMINRPM* 07/06/04 RHA DEV00010712 Separate token for CY Cycle dwell* 09/06/04 RHA DEV00011069 TLO fixes, #TLOSHIFT* 15/07/04 RHA DEV00008178 Add multi level/depth to hole cycles* 15/07/04 RHA DEV00010735 Cancel canned cycle for radial holes - X Clearance move* 19/07/04 RHA DEV00011202 Implement arc bulge control, remove #ARCTOL* 19/07/04 RHA DEV00010739 B Axis formatting corrections* 20/07/04 RHA DEV00010907 Put MAXRPM tokens in all start macros* 20/07/04 RHA DEV00009388 Datum choice for sub spindle movements* 21/07/04 RHA DEV00010739 B Axis XABSORIGIN now uses #BREFDIAM* 29/07/04 RHA DEV00011469 Add X Reversal options* Version 950* 30/11/04 RHA DEV00012029 Add #RADNEG* 01/12/04 RHA DEV00011681 Additional mill tool tokens* 07/12/04 RHA DEV00012698 Manual option for Polar control #POLARAUTO,#POLARMAN* 08/12/04 RHA DEV00012014 Add Turret Priority Token for Spindle Control* 08/12/04 RHA DEV00012305 Add ABS abd INC tokens for R to TC moves (Integrex)* 09/12/04 RHA DEV00012305 Rigid Tapping G Codes, Variables* 14/12/04 RHA DEV00012766 Speed modality, change REVS token output variable* 14/12/04 RHA DEV00012765 Make hole cycle approach context sensitive #PREPOSITION* 21/12/04 RHA DEV00012864 Correct helix ZEND, Make KVALUE=PITCH switchable #KVALPITCH* 23/12/04 RHA DEV00012874 Turning Spindle Stop token* 13/01/05 RHA DEV00012533 G55 datum token* Version 9.75* 04/03/05 RHA DEV00013026 Add Tool Direction selection* 09/03/05 RHA DEV00012875 Add User Numeric Tokens 11-20* Version 10* 20/05/05 RHA DEV00014066 Reverse driven tools G2/3 on sub spindle* 24/05/05 RHA DEV00013998 Call SPINDLE setting from GEARMCODE token, Add LOWGEAR token* 02/06/05 RHA DEV00013861 Make HOLD values available at code constructors again* 06/06/05 RHA DEV00009954 #CYCLEPOINTS Hole Cycle Points code constructor* 08/06/05 RHA DEV00014175 Radial unwrapped data* 07/07/05 RHA DEV00013851 Spindle initialisation control tokens* 22/07/05 RHA DEV00013858 Correct thread approach checks* 01/08/05 RHA DEV00014365 Add separtae C axis reversals for sub spindle* 02/08/05 RHA DEV00014365 Add Sub Spindle C offset* 22/08/05 RHA DEV00014785 Tokens IF_NEXT_DIFFERENT, AUTOBRAKE, HIGHGEAR* 31/08/05 RHA DEV00014854 Declare #BSUBREVERSE* 12/09/05 RHA DEV00014785 B axis Z reference follows #ZMAINREVERSE* 21/09/05 RHA DEV00015042 Separate C angle offset/reversal for Lower Turret* 22/09/05 RHA DEV00015104 Allow RPLANE to be diametral for radial hole cycles* 30/09/05 RHA DEV00015213 Implement AutoCoolant option* Version 10.5* 28/11/05 RHA DEV00015639 Add user tokens to MCODE definition* 19/12/05 RHA DEV00015823 Spindle Clamp Control* 25/01/06 RHA DEV00016090 Add token for If Through Tool Coolant* 26/01/06 RHA DEV00016091 Make Y suppression optional* 27/01/06 RHA DEV00015773 Correct spindle selection in chuck clamping tokens* Version 10.75* 21/04/06 RHA DEV00014455 Combine two spindle clamping mechanisms #AUTOCLAMP* 25/04/06 RHA DEV00016963 Add 5 axis tokens and variables* 24/05/06 RHA DEV00015514 #INDEXTLO - Rapid after toolchange following lathe index* Version 11.0* 01/08/06 RHA DEV00017802 Correct setting of OFFSETX token for rough and finish turn* 07/08/06 RHA DEV00017776 Add Spindle not started warning option* 1 more* 1 more* 2 more* 1 more* 5 more* Is this used ?* At least 4 more* 1 more* 1 more* 1 more* 1 more* 1 more* C & Y Axis (Milling) Specific* more* 1 more* 1 more** Specific for Okuma turning cycles** Rough Profile Cycle** Alternative cycle G codes for side and b axis.* M Codes* CY M Codes* Sub Spindle************************************ Variable Declarations*********************************** 5 Axis* Spindle clamp variables* Existing, used in other machines********************************** #TEST,#PROF* Block Numbering* G (preparatory) codes* Circular Interpolation* Spindle / Gears* General Coordinate Systems* Rapid Traverse* Hole Cycles* Toolchange / Tooling* Subroutines* Cutter Radius Compensation** #NEGINCR* Datum Shifting* Turning Cycles* Threading Cycles* Turning General* 4 Axis* Caxis / Yaxis (Milling)* CY Thread Milling* Compensation* NOTHING SET TO THIS VARIABLE AS YET ?????????* #TOOLYSET,$FIXED,**User variables for******************************* Advanced Turn Declarations*******************************CHANGE* Vars for M codes, spindle 2* Misc control functions G or M** Coolant* To pass HOLD values to code constructors*********************************** Code Constructor Token Definitions************************************Token^token name^format^desc^action before output^action after output^Turret designation* G-Codes : General* Added for Integrex only at present* G Codes : Hole Cycles* G Codes : Turning Cycles* G Codes - Threading* G Codes - Rapid Home/Toolchange* M Codes : Coolant* M Codes : General* M Codes : Chuck* M Codes : Miscellaneous M-Codes* M Codes : Threading* General* CY Movements* Main movement axes, upper and lower turrets* Toolchange / Tooling* Note that *1 is needed on next line to avoid DEV00002228 (subtract operation)* G50/G92 Tool Settings* Tooling Data for use in NC Program* Cutter Radius Compensation* Circular Interpolation* Hole Cycles** Datum Shift : Translate** New** Tooling Sheet / Program Information* Subroutines* By block number* Position : Before, after, in-line with main NC Program* Turning Cycles* Threading Cycles* Rapid to Home / Toolchange* Ge style G1 X.. Z.. F0 rapid* C & Y Axis (Milling)* Additional tokens for Siemens 3T 7/10/98************************************************************ C Axis Tokens*********************************************************************************************************************** Job Record Tokens*********************************************************************************************************************** Setup Tokens*********************************************************************************************************************** User tokens for***************************************************************************************... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
