Instrukcja Yamaha YBR 125 po angielsku, PDFy rozne

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//-->OWNER’S MANUALYBR125ED3D9-F8199-EAINTRODUCTIONEAU10100Welcome to the Yamaha world of motorcycling!As the owner of the YBR125ED, you are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience and newest technology regarding thedesign and manufacture of high-quality products, which have earned Yamaha a reputation for dependability.Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your YBR125ED. The owner’s manualdoes not only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your motorcycle, but also in how to safeguard yourself andothers from trouble and injury.In addition, the many tips given in this manual will help keep your motorcycle in the best possible condition. If you have anyfurther questions, do not hesitate to contact your Yamaha dealer.The Yamaha team wishes you many safe and pleasant rides. So, remember to put safety first!IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATIONEAU10151Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY ISINVOLVED!Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to themotorcycle operator, a bystander, or a person inspecting or repairing the motor-cycle.A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage tothe motorcycle.A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.WARNINGCAUTION:NOTE:NOTE:GThis manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycleis subsequently sold.GYamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the mostcurrent product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycleand this manual. If you have any questions concerning this manual, please consult your Yamaha dealer.EWA10030WARNINGPLEASE READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY BEFORE OPERATING THIS MOTORCYCLE.*Product and specifications are subject to change without notice.IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATIONEAU37230YBR125EDOWNER’S MANUAL©2006 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.1st edition, December 2006All rights reserved.Any reprinting or unauthorized usewithout the written permission ofYamaha Motor Co., expressly prohibited.Printed in China. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
