Instrukcja obslugi PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1998 ENG up by dunaj2, Instrukcja obsługi samochodu

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//-->owner'smanualA'98111AA_.AThe1998Pontiac Firebird Owner’s Manual1-12-1Seats and Restraint SystemsThis section tells you how to use your seats and safety belts properly. It explains the“SRS”system.alsoFeatures and ControlsThissection explains how to start and operate your vehicle.Comfort Controls and Audio SystemsThis section tells you how to adjust the ventilation and comfort controls and how to operate your audio system.Your Driving and the RoadHere you’ll find helpful information and tips about the road and how to drive under different conditions.ProblemsontheRoadThissection tells what to do if you have a problem while driving, such as a flat tire or overheated engine, etc.Service AppearanceandCareHerethemanual tellsyouhow to keep your vehicle running properly and looking good.Maintenance ScheduleThis section tells you when to perform vehicle maintenance and what fluids and lubricants to use.Customer Assistance InformationThissection tells you how to contact Pontiac for assistance and how to get service and owner publications.onIt also gives you information on “Reporting Safety Defects” page8-10.IndexHere’sanalphabetical listing of almost every subject in manual.Youcan useit to quickly findthissomething you want to read.3-14-15-16-17-18-19-1iWe support voluntarytechnician certification.GENERAL MOTORS,GM,the GM Emblem,PONTIAC, the PONTIAC Emblem and the nameF’IREBIRDare registered trademarks GeneralofMotors Corporation.WESUPPORTVOLUNTARYTECHNICIANCERTIFICATION THROUGHNationalInstitute forAUTOMOTIVEThismanual includes the latest informationthe time itatwas printed. We reserve the right to make changesin theproductafterthattimewithout further notice.Forvehicles first sold in Canada, substitute the name“General Motors Canada Limited”for PontiacofDivision wheneverit appearsinthismanual.Pleasekeepthismanualinyour vehicle,soit will bethereifyou ever need it when you’re on the road. Ifyousell the vehicle, please leave this manual in it so the newowner can use it.SERVICEEXCELLENCEForCanadianOwnersWhoPreferaFrenchLanguageManual:Auxpropri6tairescmdiens:Vouspouvezvousprocurer un exemplaire de ce guide en fransais chezvotre concessionaire ou au:DGNMarketing ServicesLtd.1577Meyerside Dr.Mississauga, OntarioL5T1B9LithoU.S.A.PartNo.10417104A Second Edition‘Copyright General Motors Corporation1997.?)::Y-.;!All Rights Reserved,ii.~.~~~~-~HowtoUse thisManualMany people read their owner’s manual beginningfromto end when they first receive their new vehicle.Ifyoudo this, it will help you learn about the features andcontrols for your vehicle. In this manual, you’ll findthat pictures and words work together to explainthings quickly.These mean there something thatcouldhurtisf o r o t h y e .IndexAgood place to look what you needis the Indexinforbackofthe manual. It’s an alphabetical list what’s inofthe manual, and the page number where you’ll it.findIn the caution area, tell you what the hazard is. Thenwewetell you what todo to help avoid or reduce thehazard. Please read these cautions. you don’t, youorIfothers could be hurt.You will also finda circlewith a slash throughinitthisbook.Thissafety-1symbol means“Don’t,’’“Don’t do this’’ or “Don’tletthis happen.”Safety Warnings and SymbolsYou will find a number safety cautions in this book.oftoWe use abox and the word CAUTION tellyouabout things that could hurt you were to ignoreifyouthe warning.iiiVehicleDamageWarningsAlso,inthisbookyouwillfindthesenotices:IiInthe notice area, tell you about something that canweManytimes,thisdamage woulddamage your vehicle.not be coveredbyyourwarranty,anditcouldbecostly.But the notice will tell you what to dotohelp avoidthedamage.When you read other manuals, youmightseeCAUTIONandNOTICEwarningsindifferent colors orindifferent words.You’llalsoseelabelswarningvehicle.onyourthesamewords,CAUTIONorNOTICE.They useNOTICE:IIThese mean there something thatcouldisdamage your vehicle.Iliv [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
