Instrukcja obslugi KIA SPECTRA 2009 ENG up by dunaj2, Instrukcja obsługi samochodu

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//-->kia, the companyCongratulations! Your selection of a Kia was a wise investment.It will give you years of driving pleasure. Now that you are theowner of a Kia vehicle, you’ll probably be asked a lot of ques-tions about your vehicle and the company like “What is a Kia?”,“Who is Kia?”, “What does ‘Kia’ mean?”.Here are some answers. First, Kia is the oldest car company inKorea. It is a company that has thousands of employees focusedon building high-quality vehicles at affordable prices.The first syllable,Ki,in the word “Kia” means “to arise from tothe world” or “to come up out of to the world.” The second syl-lable,a,means “Asia.” So, the wordKia,means “to arise from”or “to come up out of Asia to the world.”Drive safely and enjoy your Kia!ForewordThank you for choosing a Kia vehicle.When you require service, remember that your dealerknows your vehicle best. Your dealer has factory-trainedtechnicians, recommended special tools, genuine Kiareplacement parts and is dedicated to your complete sat-isfaction.Because subsequent owners require this important infor-mation as well, this publication should remain with thevehicle if it is sold.This manual will familiarize you with operational, mainte-nance and safety information about your new vehicle. It issupplemented by a Warranty and Consumer Informationmanual that provides important information on all war-ranties regarding your vehicle. We urge you to read thesepublications carefully and follow the recommendations tohelp assure enjoyable and safe operation of your new vehi-cle.Kia offers a great variety of options, components and fea-tures for its various models.Therefore, the equipment described in this manual, alongwith the various illustrations, may not all be applicable toyour particular vehicle.The information and specifications provided in this man-ual were accurate at the time of printing. Kia reserves theright to discontinue or change specifications or design atany time without notice and without incurring any obli-gation. If you have questions, always check with yourKia Dealer.We assure you of our continuing interest in your motor-ing pleasure and satisfaction in your Kia vehicle.© 2009 Kia Canada Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, elec-tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,or by any information storage and retrieval system ortranslation in whole or part is not permitted without writ-ten authorization from Kia Canada Inc..Printed in KoreaiIntroductionYour vehicle at a glanceKnowing your vehicleDriving your vehicletable of contentsDriving tipsIn case of an emergencyMaintenanceSpecificationsIndex123456789iiIntroductionHow to use this manual / 1-2Vehicle break-in process / 1-3123456789IntroductionHOW TO USE THIS MANUALWe want to help you get the greatestpossible driving pleasure from yourvehicle. Your Owner’s Manual canassist you in many ways. We strong-ly recommend that you read theentire manual. At the very least, youmust read the WARNING and CAU-TION sections spread throughout themanual, which are easily recognizedby their special markings. These sec-tions have precautions that must befollowed to prevent personal injury ordeath.Illustrations complement the wordsin this manual to best explain how toenjoy your vehicle. By reading yourmanual, you learn about features,important safety information, anddriving tips under various road condi-tions.The general layout of the manual isprovided in the Table of Contents. Agood place to start is the index; it hasan alphabetical listing of all informa-tion in your manual.Sections: This manual has eight sec-tions plus an index. Each sectionbegins with a brief list of contents soyou can tell at a glance if that sectionhas the information you want.You’ll find various WARNING’s,CAUTION’s, and NOTICE’s in thismanual.TheseWARNING’s,CAUTION’s and NOTICE’s were pre-pared to enhance your personalsafety and continued satisfactionwith Kia vehicle. You should carefullyread and follow ALL procedures andrecommendations provided in theseWARNING’s,CAUTION’sandNOTICE’s.WARNINGA WARNING indicates a situationin which harm, serious bodilyinjury or death could result if thewarning is ignored.123456789CAUTIONA CAUTION indicates a situationin which damage to your vehiclecould result if the caution isignored.�½NOTICEA NOTICE indicates interesting orhelpful information is being provid-ed.1 2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
