InstallLog, gry na pc, fifa 15

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****************************************Install Date: 09/23/201413:43:10 Started logging****************************************13:43:10 Install Location: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\13:43:10 Install Locale: zh_CN13:43:10 Performing repair install!13:43:10 Initialized installation config.13:43:10 CommandLine: install -repair -locale zh_CN -installPath "N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\" -autologging -startmenuIcon=0 -desktopIcon=013:43:10 EAInstaller version: Original System Version (6.1.7601)13:43:10 Launching System Version (6.1)13:43:10 Touchup not running under compatibility mode13:43:10 OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition13:43:10 Data reader initialized.13:43:10 Data reader config: LOCALE = zh_CN13:43:10 Data reader config: INSTALL_LOCATION = N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\13:43:10 Data reader config: INSTALL_LOCATION_DOUBLE_BACKSLASH = N:\Origin Games\FIFA 1513:43:10 Data reader config: DOING_REPAIR_INSTALL = 113:43:10 Data reader config: CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON = 013:43:10 Data reader config: CREATE_STARTMENU_ICON = 013:43:10 Data reader config: 32BIT = 013:43:10 Data reader config: 64BIT = 113:43:10 Processing EAIN file 'N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\Touchup.dat'.13:43:10 LOCALE not in list.13:43:10 (Config)Updating locale to: en_US13:43:10 Game already installed to: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\fifa15.exe13:43:10 Game has been previously installed. Retrieving installed info.13:43:10 Game (EA SPORTS™ FIFA 15) with locale (zh_TW) previously installed at N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\13:43:10 (Config)Updating locale to: zh_TW13:43:10 (Config)Updating install location to: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\13:43:10 (Config)Studio: EA Sports13:43:10 (Config)Game Name: FIFA 1513:43:10 (Config)Display Game Name: EA SPORTS™ FIFA 1513:43:10 (Config)Updating ForceUninstallAllFiles to: 013:43:10 (Config)Updating ForceUninstallAllFiles to: 113:43:10 EAI data version: The EAI build_guid is 9710c034cc454f38b10600f55061dc7c13:43:10 Start redistributables install phase13:43:12 Started DirectX11 Install Phase13:43:12 Launching process:Command: "N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\directx11\redist\D3D11Install.exe" /langid 1028Working directory: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\directx11\redist\13:43:12 Process exited with exit code 0.13:43:12 Successfully installed DirectX11 runtime.13:43:12 Finished DirectX11 Install Phase13:43:12 Started VC++ Runtime 11.0.60610.01 Install Phase13:43:12 Installing VC2012 version: 11.0.60610.0113:43:12 Installed VC2012 version: 11.0.60610.0113:43:12 Newer VC++ Installed13:43:12 x64 11.0.60610.01 runtime already installed13:43:12 Finished VC++ Runtime 11.0.60610.01 Install Phase13:43:12 Started DotNet runtime install phase for: dotnet4client13:43:12 dotnet4client runtime already installed.13:43:12 Finished DotNet runtime install phase for: dotnet4client13:43:12 End of redistributables install phase13:43:12 Setting up uninstall data ...13:43:12 Installing GDF ...13:43:12 Installing N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\GDFBinary_zh_TW.dll ...13:43:12 Alternate GDF game name FIFA 1513:43:12 IGameExplorer2 for windows 713:43:13 GameExplorerInstall returns 013:43:13 Successfully installed 'N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\GDFBinary_zh_TW.dll'.13:43:13 Successfully installed GDF13:43:13 Installing Firewall exception ...13:43:13 Start Adding Application To Exception List13:43:13 Successfully installed Firewall exception13:43:13 Setting createDesktopShort switch ...13:43:13 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON is 013:43:13 Setting createDesktopShort switch ...13:43:13 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICON is 013:43:13 Setting up registry ...13:43:13 Current Product GUID exist: {3D4ADA2B-F028-4307-ADF4-6F9AA44725DA}13:43:13 New product GUID: {3D4ADA2B-F028-4307-ADF4-6F9AA44725DA}13:43:13 Product GUID is not changed13:43:13 Calling touchup_SetUninstallRegKey13:43:13 Creating shortcut '讀我檔案' at: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\Support13:43:13 Without argument13:43:13 Successfully created shortcut at: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\Support\讀我檔案.lnk13:43:15 Installer finished with exit code: 013:43:15 Shutting down data reader.****************************************13:43:15 Stopping install logging********************************************************************************Install Date: 10/09/201405:22:26 Started logging****************************************05:22:26 Install Location: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\05:22:26 Install Locale: zh_CN05:22:26 Performing update install!05:22:26 Initialized installation config.05:22:26 CommandLine: install -update -locale zh_CN -installPath "N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\" -autologging -startmenuIcon=0 -desktopIcon=005:22:26 EAInstaller version: Original System Version (6.1.7601)05:22:26 Launching System Version (6.1)05:22:26 Touchup not running under compatibility mode05:22:26 OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition05:22:26 Data reader initialized.05:22:26 Data reader config: LOCALE = zh_CN05:22:26 Data reader config: INSTALL_LOCATION = N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\05:22:26 Data reader config: INSTALL_LOCATION_DOUBLE_BACKSLASH = N:\Origin Games\FIFA 1505:22:26 Data reader config: DOING_UPDATE_INSTALL = 105:22:26 Data reader config: CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON = 005:22:26 Data reader config: CREATE_STARTMENU_ICON = 005:22:26 Data reader config: 32BIT = 005:22:26 Data reader config: 64BIT = 105:22:26 Processing EAIN file 'N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\Touchup.dat'.05:22:26 LOCALE not in list.05:22:26 (Config)Updating locale to: en_US05:22:26 Game already installed to: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\fifa15.exe05:22:26 Game has been previously installed. Retrieving installed info.05:22:26 Game (EA SPORTS™ FIFA 15) with locale (zh_TW) previously installed at N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\05:22:26 (Config)Updating locale to: zh_TW05:22:26 (Config)Updating install location to: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\05:22:26 (Config)Studio: EA Sports05:22:26 (Config)Game Name: FIFA 1505:22:26 (Config)Display Game Name: EA SPORTS™ FIFA 1505:22:26 (Config)Updating ForceUninstallAllFiles to: 005:22:26 (Config)Updating ForceUninstallAllFiles to: 105:22:26 EAI data version: The EAI build_guid is 318b136c9705427cb582fc453f8e9be605:22:26 Start redistributables install phase05:22:28 Started DirectX11 Install Phase05:22:28 This is an update install. Skipping this prerequiste install.05:22:28 Finished DirectX11 Install Phase05:22:28 Started VC++ Runtime 11.0.60610.01 Install Phase05:22:28 Installing VC2012 version: 11.0.60610.0105:22:28 Installed VC2012 version: 11.0.60610.0105:22:28 Newer VC++ Installed05:22:28 This is an update install. Skipping this prerequiste install.05:22:28 Finished VC++ Runtime 11.0.60610.01 Install Phase05:22:28 Started DotNet runtime install phase for: dotnet4client05:22:28 This is an update install. Skipping this prerequiste install.05:22:28 dotnet4client runtime already installed.05:22:28 Finished DotNet runtime install phase for: dotnet4client05:22:28 End of redistributables install phase05:22:28 Setting up uninstall data ...05:22:28 Installing GDF ...05:22:28 Installing N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\GDFBinary_zh_TW.dll ...05:22:28 Alternate GDF game name FIFA 1505:22:28 IGameExplorer2 for windows 705:22:28 GameExplorerInstall returns 005:22:29 Successfully installed 'N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\__Installer\GDFBinary_zh_TW.dll'.05:22:29 Successfully installed GDF05:22:29 Installing Firewall exception ...05:22:29 Start Adding Application To Exception List05:22:29 Successfully installed Firewall exception05:22:29 Setting createDesktopShort switch ...05:22:29 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON is 005:22:29 Setting createDesktopShort switch ...05:22:29 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICON is 005:22:29 Setting up registry ...05:22:29 Current Product GUID exist: {3D4ADA2B-F028-4307-ADF4-6F9AA44725DA}05:22:29 New product GUID: {3D4ADA2B-F028-4307-ADF4-6F9AA44725DA}05:22:29 Product GUID is not changed05:22:29 Calling touchup_SetUninstallRegKey05:22:29 Creating shortcut '讀我檔案' at: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\Support05:22:29 Without argument05:22:29 Successfully created shortcut at: N:\Origin Games\FIFA 15\Support\讀我檔案.lnk05:22:31 Installer finished with exit code: 005:22:31 Shutting down data reader.****************************************05:22:31 Stopping install logging**************************************** [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
