Instalation inicjaliz bizhub color 4038-9954-00E,, serwis

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//-->INSTALLATION MANUALApplied Machine:<Important>Be sure to correctly follow the procedures in order as explained in this Installation Manual.If you do not follow the procedure in order, the image trouble may occur.I. Outline of Installation ProceduresPC-103PC-203PC-403DK-502Dehumidifier Heater 1CMachine✱Electron System OptionsDF-601OC-501SC-503MK-706FS-603PK-501MK-704EK-702SA-501ML-501WT-501VK-501FK-502FK-502Electron System OptionsPK-510MT-501OT-601FS-514SD-503FS-501JS-601When installing the machine and associated options as a system, follow the order shown on the upper.Note:• For the detailed installation procedures for each option, follow the instructions given in the correspondingInstallation Manual and perform the procedures correctly.• When placing the machine on the floor, make sure to use the Paper Feed Cabinet or the Desk to securethe performance and the quality of the product.• Once the Power Switch is turned ON, do not turn OFF it until the installation work has been completed.• Make available collective manpower of an appropriate size for transporting the machine. (Machine mass:97 kg/213-3/4 lb)4038IXE210DAE-14038-9954-00II. Installation Space (unit: mm (inch))bizhub C252 + DF-601 + FS-514 + PC-403+ SD-503 + OT-6011901212341(7-1/2)(47-11/16)(13-7/16)IV. Accessory PartsNo.NameQ’ty41111111111221111113111. Imaging unit (IU): Y,M,C,BK2. User’s Guide holder3. User’s Guide (Copy Operations)4. User’s Guide(Network Scanner Operations)5. User’s Guide (Box Operations)6. User’s Guide (Fax Operations)7. User’s Guide(Enlarge Display Operations)8. Quick Guide (Printer Controller)9. Installation Manual (this manual)10. Drawer label11. Label (Legal Restrictions on Copying) *394(15-1/2)312(12-5/16)755(29-3/4)100(3-15/16)12. Cap A (round-head)13. Cap B (square-head)14. Power Cord *15. Cord Clamp *16. Screw *17. Connector Cover18. Cover19. Power cord instruction *20. CD-ROM *21. Harness for the Dehumidifier Heater22. Spacer1208(47-9/16)4038IXC213DANote:Keep the Harness for the Dehumidifier Heater athand. It will be used for the Dehumidifier Heater.III. Pre-installation Check Items1. Select a level and stable place for installing themachine.2. Be sure to use a power source of the voltage andfrequency indicated in the product specifications.Ensure that the current carrying capacity of thepower outlet is at least equal to the current listedin the product specifications.3. Power the machine directly from a dedicatedpower outlet. (Do not use an extension cord.)4. Do not plug or unplug the power cord with wet ordirty hands, otherwise you may get an electricshock.5. Avoid a hot and humid environment, or a placeexposed to direct sunlight.6. Avoid a dusty location, or a place near volatileand flammable substances.7. Avoid a poorly ventilated place.After unpacking, be sure to get rid of thepackaging materials and keep them out ofthe reach of children.Putting the head in the plastic baginvolves danger of suffocation.* Varies depending on the applicable marketingarea.E-2V. Removing the Machine1. Open the shipping carton and remove the IU car-ton and machine carton.2. Pull out the handles.VI. Removing Protective Tape, Packingand Other Shipping Materials1. Remove protective tape from different parts of themachine.4038IXC196DA4038IXC096DA3. Holding onto the portions shown in the illustra-tion, remove the machine while maintaining alevel position.4038IXC197DB2. Remove the packing bracket.4038IXC004DBNote:Machine mass: 97 kg/213-3/4 lbMake available collective manpower of an appro-priate size for transporting the machine.Install the Drawer Cover furnished with the PaperFeed Cabinet (PC-103, PC-203) first beforeattaching the machine to Paper Feed Cabinet.(two screws furnished with the Paper Feed Cabi-net)When attaching the machine, as the reference fitthe machine with the corner A and B of the DrawerCover.4036U041AA3. Open the right door and push up the fusing cover.➁➀AB4038IXC127DB4061IXC041DADrawer CoverE-34. Remove protective tape from different parts of themachine.7. Close the fusing cover and then close the rightdoor.➀➁4038IXC128DB4038IXC126DB5. Remove the protected parts as shown in the illus-tration.➀➀8. Remove the protective sheet.➁➁4038IXC010DA4038IXC129DB6. Push up the right and left release levers.Note:Remove the protected parts fallen off from themachine when the released levers are pushed up.9. Slide out the 1st drawer and remove protectivetape and packing materials from the inside of thedrawer.4038IXC098DA4038IXC125DBE-410. Slide out the 2nd drawer and remove protectivetape from the inside of the drawer.VII. Installing the IU1. Open the front door.4038IXC011DB4038IXC012DA2. Tilt the IU to the left and, in that condition, shake itover a small stroke twice. Then, tilt the IU to theright and, in that condition, shake it over a smallstroke twice.Note:Shake the IU adequately. Otherwise, it may causetrouble.4062MXC002HB3. Remove the top cap of the IU.4038IXC100DAE-5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
