Insecticides Design Using Advanced Technologies, Fizyka, nanotechnology

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Insecticides Design Using Advanced Technologies
Isaac Ishaaya
Ralf Nauen
A. Rami Horowitz (Eds.)
Insecticides Design
Advanced Technologies
With 62 Figures, 9 in Color, and 32 Tables
 Prof. Dr. Isaac Ishaaya
Department of Entomology
Agricultural Research Organization
The Volcani Center
Bet Dagan 50250
Prof. Dr. A. Rami Horowitz
Department of Entomology
Agricultural Research Organization
Gilat Research Center
M.P. Negev 85280
Dr. Ralf Nauen
Bayer CropScience AG
Research Insecticides Biology
Alfred-Nobel Str. 50
40789 Monheim
Library of Congress Control Number: 2006934371
ISBN-10: 3-540-46904-4 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN-13: 978-3-540-46904-9 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
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Insecticide development in recent years has been guided mostly by chemora-
tional and biorational design based on understanding of the physiology and
ecology of insects and crops. Among the recently developed groups of insec-
ticides are the chitin synthesis inhibitors, benzoylphenyl urea’s and bupro-
fezin; the juvenile hormone mimics, fenoxycarb and pyriproxyfen; the
ecdysone agonists, e.g. tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide; and the new neu-
rotoxicants, the neonicotinoids and the avermectins. In addition, compounds
affecting specific sites in insects have been developed; such as pymetrozine
acting on the sucking pump of aphids and whiteflies, diafenthiuron affecting
insect respiration and azadirachtin the hormonal balance of insects.
A limitation in each new class of compounds is the evolution of resistance
in populations of key pests, which leads to control failures. This phenomenon
and the desire to produce more selective and biorational compounds serve as
the driving forces for insecticide design that ultimately lead to the develop-
ment of new compounds.
Among the highlights of this book are the use of nanotechnology to increase
potency of available insecticides, use of genetic engineering techniques for con-
trolling insect pests, development of novel insecticides that bind to unique
biochemical receptors, and exploration of natural products as a source for
environmentally acceptable insecticides. In addition, screening for safe and
potent insecticides using insect genomics and cell lines for determining biolog-
ical and biochemical modes of action are discussed in detail in this book.
The authors of the various chapters are considered world leaders having a
wealth of experience in pesticide chemistry and in advanced technologies for
designing highly selective insecticides for controlling insect pests.
This book is intended to serve as a text for researchers, university profes-
sors, graduate students, and chemical industry personnel involved in devel-
oping new groups of insecticides to suit our future requirements.
In the preparation of the manuscript, the editors and the authors are
indebted to the reviewers of the various chapters for valuable suggestions and
criticism: Shalom Applebaum (Israel), Jeff Bloomquist (USA), Kostas
Bourtzis (Greece), Gerry Brooks (England), Nor Chejanovski (Israel), Daniel
Daffonchio (Italy), Arnold De Loof (Belgium), C. L. Goodman (USA), Robert
Hollingworth (USA), Dick Hyde (England), Shinzo Kagabu (Japan), Opender
Koul (India), Peter Krell (Canada), Yoshiaki Nakagawa (Japan), Herbert
Oberlander (USA), Arthur Retnakaran (Canada), L. Swevers (Greece),
Michael Tracy (USA), and Phyllis Weintraub (Israel).
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