Infinity I, AGNI JOGA

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Book One
Copyright, 1956
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced in English
or in translation to any other language
without written permission from the publisher
Second Printing 1980
Printed in the United States of America
Signs of Agni Yoga
We give the book Infinity.
Is it worth while to speak of Infinity if it is unattainable? But it does exist; and everything
great, even if invisible, compels us to think about the ways to it. Thus, even now let us ponder
about the ways into Infinity; for it exists, and it is terrifying if it is not cognized. But even in the
earthly life one can approach and can temper the spirit toward acceptance of the unfathomable.
A great deal remains unknown to us, yet we do overcome our ignorance. Thus, even if we
do not understand the meaning of Infinity, we are able to realize it as something unavoidable and
therefore meriting special attention. How else may we temper into commensurateness our
thoughts and actions? Verily, by comparison with Infinity we realize the scope of our grievances
and triumphs.
Hence, the levels of thinking in many countries should be stabilized just now, since the
reminder about Infinity is especially important when arguments over falsehoods are taking place.
Therefore, we shall offer the radiance of the rays of Infinity, into which there is carried
not only the spirit but even stones, in a blending, as it were, of loftiest creation with grossest
matter. But in the whirlwind of Eternity the stone and the spirit are imponderable, for they are
drawn into the same magnet. The very realization of the magnet increases the attraction, focusing
it upon intensification of currents. These same vortices conquer space, and you do not know from
what spheres the indivisible electron—nucleus of Tamas and Teros—reaches you.
Ponder to what extent you can understand My language and express it in your tongue.
Similarly understand your reciprocative feelings and express them in the language of your heart.
This language of understanding and sympathy will open the first Gates to Infinity.
Part One
1. Humanity is distressed because of lost currents, but its explanations of the shiftings on Earth
and of the manifestations of cosmic perturbations are geological. Despite these explanations, the
factual evidence, the manifestations of fiery, subterranean, and supermundane currents, reveal to
the world the concept of Infinity. The rays of the supermundane spheres can penetrate the crust of
Earth and induce in any part of the planet intensified magnetism evoking subterranean currents.
Your astronomers are concerned with the measurements of the luminaries only, but how
greatly the science of fiery rays and Infinity would enrich our being! Even the ray of the eye
creates and smites! The preordained date begins to bring closer a new planet from Infinity.
Therefore, observe the earthly perturbations. But the dimensions of the planetary bodies are not
important, for the intensity of the cosmic rays from Infinity, through our relativity, together with
your psychic energy and the cooperation of the spheres, can create an earthly realm equal to the
spheres of the higher worlds.
2. Where the earthly crust ends for geologists it begins for Us. Impregnated with the emanations
of your actions and saturated with the crystals of darkness of human thought, this crust presents a
resistance harder than flint. But through the ceaseless striving of thought this dense sphere, which
holds Earth tightly in its clutches, can disperse like a thin vapor. Should we not dissolve these
accumulations, when we may choose between the thread into Infinity or a pile of obstructions?
Is it so difficult for the consciousness to propel itself to that source the streams of which
are endless? Can the obstacles be so resistive when the Teaching says that it is easy to lift the
curtain of the future? Decide to apply this to life, so that the ability to make use of Our advices
should not be limited to exclamations or assurances, and let your spirit say, “The wisdom of the
Lord is the power of the far-off worlds. The Fire of Infinity and the radiation of the Star of the
Mother of the World are sending to us the affirmation of our being!
If one spatial thought can uplift the nations, and if one spatial thought fixed upon an
earthly cliche can give to the planet a precious science, would those who reduce the wisdom of
the ages into grains of dust deny that, while yesterday the sun shone, tomorrow the stream of its
rays may be exhausted?
Verily, My advice is that you become imbued with the realization of Infinity. Prana is
saturated with power; try to extract its gifts! With one sigh one can surpass the labor of ages, but
one glance of denial can erase a pattern preordained by ages.
3. A concept completely foreign to that of Cosmos exists in the human consciousness the concept
of the void. How can the labor of evolution, the fiery construction of your planet, be limited by
void! It is not difficult to understand that the very smallest beginning is conceived within bounds.
Then why not admit that it is boundlessness that permits the manifestation of physical changes?
Could one diminish this manifestation? The concept of Boundlessness does not mean complexity;
simply picture the earthly undergoing transformation into a higher state. There is no limit to
upward striving. It means that the idea of continuity in everything and in all dimensions is not
complex. Do not limit the manifestations!
It is difficult to realize that the thread of the Fire of Space stretches into Infinity, but
beautiful is the thought of him who has adhered to this unusual concept. Humanity does not even
realize what extinguishing means. But you know that each extinction of a flash of fires ignites
supermundane torches. Benefit or harm-it is you, the people, who predetermine. As the sending,
so is the receiving. One may create a shower of radiant sendings, but one may also fill the space
with locusts. Such is the law of cooperation between thoughts and space.
Consider thought as a creator. Joy is the realization of the beginning of the manifestations
of Our Decrees, revealed to humanity.
When we renounce ignorance we shall understand the entire beauty of Infinity!
4. Human consciousness can be directed toward the disciplining of unbridled and unconscious
thoughts. But to impart too much is difficult when so many minds are creating chaos. The
development of straight-knowledge will help humanity. When straight-knowledge will dictate
where is chaos and where Infinity, when straight-knowledge will distinguish a cosmic
manifestation from an arbitrary one, then humanity will become the possessor of the key of
knowledge. We appreciate that science produced the telescope, but the telescope of straight-
knowledge penetrates into Infinity. Your telescope demands expenditures and exertion, but when
one possesses the sensitiveness of Our apparatus one penetrates everywhere.
The mastery over unconscious thoughts will provide the understanding of the dimensions
of Infinity. Limitless is the stream of thought! Verily, I say, the possibilities flowing from the
streams of luminaries are endless. The luminaries in the invisible and visible spheres battle for the
affirmation of Truth. Rays can heal; rays can create; rays can protect like a shield; rays can
manifest the flame of the Chalice.
Often you hear the outcry, the moan, “Why is there leprosy, why calamity, why is the
evidence of beauty obscured by a twisted smile?” Poor humanity, We regard your ailments as
your own progeny. Evolution does not need so many impediments. The ladder of ascent does not
need so many superfluous steps. Our Shield does not need your recognition, but you are in need
of Our Shield.
5. Have you thought about the spirit-creativeness on the future planets? Is it possible that all
began with you and will end with you? Does any process cease? The chain of worlds is endless;
where one planet crumbles another one is born. Truth wrestles with death, and when skeptics say,
“It is the end,” We say, “It is the beginning!” Understanding of the manifested evolution will
reveal the triumph of Truth. Shall we not share in the triumph? Shall we seal our vessels still
empty? Shall we reject the transmission of the power of consciousness? When I say utilize the
manifested rays, when I say fill the chalice of knowledge, when I say design the best creations
through straight-knowledge, when I say strength lies in the limitlessness of knowledge-it means
lend an open ear to the cosmic whirls, it means search the radiance of Fohat, it means manifest
understanding of the music of the spheres.
On your planet We have Our entrusted one, who has drained the chalice of sublime
experiments. She is sent to you as a witness of cosmic manifestations, as a bearer of My missions,
as your prophetess of the future. Therefore, the concept of Redeemers is so vital. Precisely the
fact that the sublime experiments were undergone is convincing. Humanity should learn
especially from such experience as that issuing from the higher spheres and lived through on
Verily, you have the highest and the lowest!
6. Understanding of Infinity does not detach man from Earth. The disclosure of new possibilities
does not sever man from Earth. What is said about the Samyama of yogis is not just invention; it
is a scientific method confirming cosmic forces.
The broad utilization of metals in medicine, in India, is the result of contact with the Fire
of Space. The consciousness of the yogis is in communion with the luminaries. One may receive
in life the effects of the spheres. The human attitude toward labor, and human reluctance to
change the tendency of thought, are like clutches.
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