In Nomine Seers, Podreczniki RPG, In Nomine

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Seers for In Nomine
by Jonathan Lang
In Nomine
goes to great lengths to draw contrasts between angels and demons, saying that demons
are inherently selfish beings driven by Will, while angels are inherently selfless beings empowered
by Perception. Furthermore, it goes on to describe sorcery as a discipline in which a supremely
self-centered human bends the Symphony to his Will. A seer, then, would be a human who uses
her Perception-based arts to communicate with the Symphony.
Seers and Sorcerers
Seers are often confused with sorcerers. It's easy to do, really; both seers and sorcerers practice arts
that are heavily steeped in rituals, and both of the arts are strictly the domain of human
practitioners. Indeed, there's a certain amount of overlap in the skills that each art makes available.
Add the fact that most humans can't distinguish between sorcery, enchantment, and Songs, and the
confusion is hardly surprising.
However, there are some significant differences between seers and sorcerers. While angels are
immune to sorcery, they are generally not immune to soothsaying; fortunately, a seer's arts are
usually less confrontational than sorcery, so angels who know the difference tend to be more
lenient toward them.
The most fundamental difference between seers and sorcerers, however, lies in their respective
attitudes. Sorcery is an inherently selfish art, and sorcerers are often loners as a result. Seers, on the
other hand, are perceptive, which generally facilitates community and teamwork.
That said, it is possible in theory to be both a seer and a sorcerer. These "hybrids" are probably not
even as common as Bright Lilim are, if they exist at all; the underlying attitudes probably conflict
too much. But they are
Seers and Prophets
Seers are also commonly confused with prophets; after all, both of them experience visions that are
in some sense true. The most noticeable difference is that a seer's visions are self-induced, while a
prophet has no control over his or her visions. A more subtle difference is that a prophet's visions
are of Divine origin, while a seer's visions only might be.
Seers and the War
Seers are typically aligned with the ethereals; those who aren't are typically aligned with Heaven or
unaffiliated. Very few seers actively support Hell; the requisite selfishness goes against their grain.
Gabriel is the Heavenly patron of seers; those seers whom she personally Illuminates join the ranks
of the Ignes (this is a subtle change from
Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy,
where all Ignes are
sorcerers). Blandine, Litheroy, and Yves are all supporters of seers, although Yves tends to be
 rather reserved about this; likewise, Dominic greatly dislikes seers (probably due to their all-too-
common pagan beliefs), while David likes the way that they usually promote cooperation, and thus
tends to tolerate them.
On the other side, Malphas is the most bitter enemy that seers have, for much the same reasons that
David tolerates them; their potential to promote communication and cooperation runs directly
counter to his Word. Kronos would love to corrupt seers as he has sorcerers, but thus far hasn't had
much success overall. Nonetheless, individual seers are no more immune to their fates than anyone
else is.
New Attunements
Second Sight
This attunement is only available to humans, and is further limited to humans with a minimum
Perception of 6. It allows the human to perform soothsaying rituals, although rituals that require
Essence expenditures can only be performed if the seer is Symphonically aware (making
Symphonic Awareness virtually a requirement as well). Angels with the Illumination attunement
can grant the Second Sight attunement, or it can be gained through the Vision Quest ritual.
A Servitor Attunement of Gabriel, this allows the angel to grant the Second Sight attunement to a
human without the need to go through a vision quest. Like its sorcerous counterpart, Infernal Pact,
it still requires the human to spend 10 character points for the attunement -- or he may elect to
become a Servant of the angel. However, the latter choice is rarely made. Unlike Infernal Pact,
Illumination neither damns nor blesses the human.
Soothsaying Skills
Soothsaying skills follow the same game mechanics as sorcerous skills. Seers have access to the
following skills:
The ability to loan your body to a spirit as a host. Seers with this skill are greatly valued among
spirits without vessels, as they provide a way for them to interact with the corporeal realm.
The ability to communicate with spirits, be they celestials, ethereals, or human souls.
Allows for scrying, object-reading, and predicting the future.
This skill is almost identical to its sorcerous counterpart; the only distinction is that they have
slightly different sets of rituals. Focus is the only Soothsaying skill that doesn't affect angels or
relievers. Seers can learn Focus rituals from sorcerers, and vice versa, with a few exceptions: seers
can't use Sacrifice for Essence or Siphon Essence, and sorcerers can't use any of the new rituals
 listed here. Of course, the mythical sorcerous seer could learn them all . . .
Channeling Rituals
This ritual enables a willing spirit of the seer's choice to possess her as per the Song of Possession.
The level of the ritual is based on the spirit you wish to channel:
Channeling ghosts, poltergeists, dream-shades, or ethereal spirits requires Channeling/1.
Channeling relievers or demonlings requires Channeling/2, as does hosting ghosts,
poltergeists, dream-shades, or ethereal spirits.
Channeling angels or demons, or hosting relievers or demonlings, requires Channeling/3.
Channeling ethereal spirits by name, or hosting angels or demons, requires Channeling/4.
Channeling angels or demons or hosting ethereal spirits, by name, requires Channeling/5.
Hosting angels or demons by name requires Channeling/6.
Hosting differs from channeling in that the host retains volition, mostly; treat it as per the Shedite
resonance, but measured in minutes rather than days. Ethereal spirits, angels, and demons may be
channeled or hosted by name if the seer knows their true name and her Channeling skill is high
enough; subtract the check digit from the Essence cost in this case, with a minimum Essence cost
of 1.
Finally, there are the legendary levels: at Channeling/7 or higher, it might be possible to channel a
soul from Heaven or Hell -- although the latter wouldn't be advisable, as channeling an anguished
soul is likely to have deleterious effects on the seer's sanity. It is impossible to channel or host a
soul residing in the Higher Heavens; it is possible to channel souls from the Lower Hells, but
stupid doesn't even begin to describe this stunt.
10 minutes
the the highest of the spirit's Corporeal, Ethereal, or Celestial Forces
Communion Rituals
This ritual allows the seer to attach a message to a bit of Essence and to send it to a spirit, much
like the Celestial Song of Tongues; if two points of Essence are sent, the recipient may send one of
them back as a reply, unless it's in Limbo.
Communing with minor ethereal spirits (8 or fewer Forces) is a Communion/1 ritual; relievers or
demonlings require Communion/2; major ethereal spirits require Communion/3, and angels or
demons require Communion/4.
Commune with Human Soul
This ritual works just like Commune, but with any human, dead or alive. Exceptions: souls in the
Higher Heavens won't reply; souls in the Lower Hells can't; and the undead won't even receive the
message. Humans who aren't aware of the Symphony won't know how to reply.
one minute
1 or 2
 Invoke Superior
The seer can evoke an Archangel or Demon Prince by name; this is handled using the same
mechanics as celestials invoking Superiors. This ritual must be learned separately for each
Superior; the -10 penalty applies if the seer is using the wrong ritual.
one minute
Divination Rituals
See Celestial Form
This "ritual" lets the seer add Divination to her Perception when rolling to perceive a celestial
Read History
Gives a vision about something in the subject's past; if the seer has a question in mind while
performing the ritual, the vision will have something to do with that question. A CD of 1 shows
something vaguely associated with the question, while a CD of 6 will be as close to a direct answer
as is possible.
one minute
The further into the past the vision can reach, the more Essence is required: 1 for hours, 2
for days, 3 for weeks, 4 for months, 5 for years, 6 for decades, 7 for centuries. The vision may not
reach anywhere near that far in practice, but the Essence cost must be paid "in advance," as it were.
Foretell Future
Gives a vision about something in the subject's future. Note that Foretell Future only deals with
what the future will be barring celestial interference.
one minute
The further into the future the vision can show, the more Essence is required: 1 for
minutes, 2 for tens of minutes, 3 for hours, 4 for days, 5 for weeks, 6 for months, 7 for years. The
Essence cost is based on the seer's "best guess" as to how far in the future the vision will reach; if
he or she doesn't provide enough Essence, the attempt automatically fails; if she provides too
much, the ritual works as advertised, leaving the seer none the wiser.
Similar to the Song of Affinity, but slower and (generally) more costly.
15 minutes
1 if it is within yards of the seer, 2 if within tens of yards, 3 if hundreds of yards, 4 if
miles, 5 if tens of miles, 6 if hundreds of miles, 7 if thousands of miles
Lets the seer see a vision of the target and its surroundings.
15 minutes -- 2 * the check digit
1 if it is within yards of the seer, 2 if within tens of yards, 3 if hundreds of yards, 4 if
miles, 5 if tens of miles, 6 if hundreds of miles, 7 if thousands of miles
 Read Aura
Works like the Elohite resonance when used on a human, showing each emotion as a different
color; it also detects if the subject is Symphonically Aware, and the aura's intensity varies with the
amount of Essence the subject has. When used on a vessel or host, the human sees the celestial
form superimposed; ethereals appear as their "ethereal form."
15 minutes
check digit
New Focus Rituals
Sense Tether
This simple ritual detects Tethers. Detecting a stabilized Tether is a level 1 ritual; detecting an
uncontrolled Tether requires Focus/2; detecting a Tether as it is being formed requires Focus/3;
determining which (if any) Word(s) could acquire a Tether in the region requires Focus/4. The CD
determines how much information the seer gains -- a 1 merely alerts her to its presence, while a 6
tells her exactly where it is, what Word (if any) it's controlled by, and what condition it's in.
30 minutes
check digit
Tap Tether
The seer may draw Essence from a Tether if she is in its locus; doing so will, however, alert the
Seneschal to her presence. If successful, the seer gains Essence equal to two * the check digit. The
exact elements of the ritual depend on the Tether in question -- choose one Rite appropriate for the
Word associated with the Tether, whether or not the seer has that Rite.
Buttress Tether
This ritual calls on the power of a Tether to weaken invaders. The CD of the ritual is a penalty to
all actions (except leaving) taken by celestials serving hostile Words for as long as the seer
maintains the ritual.
1 round
twice the check digit
Legendary Rituals
At higher levels, it might be possible to actually traverse a Tether, traveling bodily to one of the
other realms in much the same way that a Saint can. Ethereal Tethers would be easier to traverse
than celestial Tethers, and the dangers of traversing an Infernal Tether go without saying.
Special Ritual
Vision Quest
As per Sorcerous Initiation, except that a Perception roll is made instead of a Will roll.
Article publication date: May 31, 2002
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